The news of the banned of pubg is been comes a sad vibes along the pubg player in india. Why pubg will get to much popular among the youth of india? Because these game is consist texture of many multipopular games the graphic and all thing which pubg provide to there customer will take them to another level of virtual gaming. But from the day anno…
Read moreToday I show u the list of top richest people in the world. Who hold 50% Revenue of the world 10 Larry Page ( CEO of Google ) . Lawrence Edward page was born on March (26,1973) is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur co- founder of Google along with Sergey brin he started to make Google alogrithm . Forbes magazine include Larry as one o…
Read moreYes, it is right . The man who spend 35 lacs in his hair cutting. This shows that he is not a coomon man. He is a sultan of brunie whose name was Sultan Hassnal Bolkiah. He loved to cutting his hair from very famous u.k Barber knewood strive . who comes from u.k to Brunei in every month for hair cutting of sultan . He comes in frist class and stays 2 day …
Read moreRanveer Singh is one of the most popular actor in our Bollywood industry. The acting which he do on his film makes millions of people fan of his acting as well as his style also. full name is Ranveer Singh Bhavani. His date of birth is 6july 1985. His birth place is Mumbai Maharashtra. Height of Ranveer Singh is 5.7 inches. Weight is 75kg. Education. ranvee…
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