8 Beest things to do in lockdown

8 Best thing to do in lock down

8. Increasing iq level with simple way 

Trying to learn some new things beside your bored life . If you are teenage play puzzled game for regular exercise of your brain. And doing your regular work with opposite part of the body like 
If u brush from left hand change your hand brush from right hand from this you face some difficulty for which your brain work more concerned about using this trick.

7. Using online as an revenue 

If you have some knowledge about internet online is the best place for earning during lockdown. Try your hands in blooging . Blooging is the best place for earn good money in blooging you will just wrote article and earn money . You tube is also a good platform from earn revenue . In YouTube you will be made a cooking video or other content in which you are talented if you are goods in computer techinal field is good platform to express talents against millions of people and more platform like ' truelancer, freelancer,worldpress and many more .

6. Spends time with family

In competition world there is a deficiency time to spend with family. But in LOCKDOWN it's best way to understand your family members. Like if you are new couples it is best to spend time more with each other . If you are children the best time to spend from your grand parents because grands get alone when they get old so spend time with grands . And also give time to your parents who are worried always about your future.

5. Yoga and exercises

In LOCKDOWN you will not supposed to go outside from house if you take risk or go outside  maybe the red tattoos will be made and show off your body so do not doing this . 

If you wake up early in the morning and performed yoga and exercises the freshness in your body feel until you sleep from yoga you get 2 benefits your body get in perfect shaped from yoga and glow comes out on your faces that show of your fit body .

4. Short video App

If you are in lockdown you must be try to make short video with awesome Content for users . If you are creative you must be apply this .

3. Flying kits 

If you lived in the place where kites are flying so its is a best thing to fly kites in evening or morning you will be flying kits . If you are not good flyer will you see YouTube video for kite flying.

2. Try to help others

If you are able to help others nothing is better than this . Because of Corona they faces many problem if you are able to help other maybe you will come ahead and help Poor's to providing in all needfull thing related from daily routine

 1 Work for poor people 

If you are poor people and faces problem from pandemic. You will be earn good revenue by creating a cloth mask and sell it into medical lines many foundation will be work for made mask you have opportunity to earn good revenue from foundation and faces the Corona 

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